Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas, and pass the glue gun!

Julie Andrew's Christmas album is on full blast . . .

Coffee...I've downed at least a pot or two today . . .

I am nursing several blistered fingertips thanks to my "fabulous" glue gun & new craft addiction . . .

I am not only a doodling addict, I am a MAJOR craft addict. Once hooked into a new craft, it will be an obsession for as long as it takes me to get hooked on something else. My best friend & crafty partner in crime, showed me how to construct these beautiful flower hair clips.
The problem I had, was during construction. I had to add the flower petals in layers, with hot glue, pressing down on each till flat, so a rhinestone would fit in the center. I was too anxious to wait for the glue to cool, result . . . burned fingers. I added my own twists and ended up making them as gifts for every darling, little dress wearing imp, within 50 sq miles. (Love you girls!)
A new craft addiction is the last thing I need this time of year. ") Oh well . . . it's been a blast!

At present both girls are down for naps and I am savoring the last minutes of holiday peace we will have for a while. (With a cup of coffee of course!) Nice to have a bit of time to reflect on the year and our darling girls. We have been so blessed.

I am thrilled to finally have the blog going & catalogue. It will be fun to see where the doodles adventure to in 2008. I am planning on putting in some serious time writing and illustrating a children's book I've had on the back burner. There is a painting series, based on the poem - All Creatures Great and Small that I hope to continue. Other than that I am open to where inspiration leads.

I pray you and your family will have a fun, safe and restful holiday!

May the Lord direct your heart into God's love
& Christ's perseverance. 2 Thes 3:5

Thursday, December 6, 2007

All Things Bright and Beautiful . . .

My husband gave me a easel as an early Christmas present.

It has been such a lifesaver! I had forgotten how much I loved to paint!

I will not forsake my Prismacolor pens, but wow...splashing paint on a canvas is great "mommy therapy" for me. The best part is that my oldest is completely into it...we fight for easel time. ")

I am currently working on a series that goes with the poem.. "All things bright and beautiful...all creatures great and small..."

There are some fantastic verses to it that I had never heard...great for illustrating.

Here is a photo of my first brainstorm...not quite finished yet.
I need to get a bigger canvas to fit all the words in . . . working on an 16x16 right now.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Greeting Card Catalogue . . . Now online!

After much technical wrangling,
I am thrilled to announce
that you can now view
my greeting card catalogue online!
Ordering information is on the site.