Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thankful . . .

    My youngest little gal has been ill and was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. It has been a  long last 3 months. (Thus the lack of blog updates.) There have been a lot of sleepless nights, procedures, tests, "yucky" meds and just feeling rotten.
    In all the "yucky," we have been trying to focus on the positive and trust God with the details we can't control. In the midst of it all, we have a lot that we are tremendously thankful for:
    1) Our pediatrician, who gave us a speedy diagnosis, his desk number for emergencies and who got us hooked up with a great specialist right away. We love you Dr. Dean!!
    2) Dr. Marshall (mentioned specialist) who has run herd on two shell shocked parents, keeping us sane and optimistic.
    3) Family, who we would not have survived without! Thank you for listening, your prayers, giving us breaks to process and recoup. You are invaluable and adored!
    Our daughter is now on the road to recovery. She is two weeks away from being off the steroids. They have been hard on her, but we are thankful they got the flair (symptoms) under control.
     To everyone else . . . never give up hope. There is a God who will meet you right where you are, and bless your socks off in the process. He has heard plenty of my rants and sobs lately, and I am thankful that he takes me just as I am, runny mascara and all. ")
Looking forward to getting back in the saddle and sharing more art with you soon.
Have a wonderful holiday season!